Monday, 6 February 2012


Lauren, originally uploaded by DrFireball.

Another fun shoot today despite the cold! (Hired a heater to keep all involved comfy). This is just one of the many great shots that we created. More to come for certain.

Idea was to create an album cover/artist tear page. Started off with the Octa supplementing the natural light that was coming from all sides - metered at ISO 100 f2.2 1/125.

Shot the whole shoot with my fave lens the canon 85mm f1.2 II - so sharp with the 5dII - would love a few more focus points on the 5II but then you can't have everything - until the 5dIII that is!

Bit of post production in CS5 using a smattering of nik color efex along the way.

As usual I hope you like and please tell me what you think.


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