Thursday, 15 April 2010

Courtney - Sutton Bank

Courtney 1, originally uploaded by DrFireball.

Plan A was for a trip to the seaside, however the rain was against us and after waiting an hour the rain was getting heavier and we set off for home. Plus side of the rain of course was the moody skies created when the rain finally stopped (typically not far from home...) So we took a short detour and headed for Sutton Bank.

This was taken next to the path near the gliding school - few passers-by but no hassle and some great shots.

This was taken with my favourite current set up of the Ranger as Key and the Quadras for fill. Metered the sky and balanced the flash.
Personal criticism would be that:
1. the middle distance is somewhat dark (next time will try a ND grad filter.

2. too much light in the foreground - I now have some grids for this.....

3. Courtney's black dress blends in to the scenery too much - something more colourful would have been interesting (although possibly a distraction...)

As is my current workflow there was a simple conversion to Jpeg in LR and no other post procecssing - not even a crop.

Hope you enjoy.


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